[QGIS-Developer] [PSA] Travis CI is up and running again

Matthias Kuhn matthias at opengis.ch
Thu Jul 20 02:44:51 PDT 2017

On 7/20/17 10:44 AM, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:

>>     I think that this would add a considerable time, that's why we
>>     are building on AWS and pull the pre-built docker, but I guess
>>     that the goal is completely different.
>     Normally they should be cached and not rebuilt.
> Oh, I see, I would not know how to do that though.
We already do something similar to bring down QGIS compilation time from
>1 hour to 15 minutes.

>>     I was thinking that the dependencies do not vary frequently,
>>     hence we should be able to build the dependencies docker nightly
>>     and when the main QGIS Travis job starts we can pull the docker
>>     with the dependencies substantially lowering the time needed to
>>     run the entire job.
>     I imagine version updates happen more often. For example a new
>     gdal version that brings in some geopackage functionality which is
>     covered by a unit test.
> More often than daily?
More often than new dependencies will be added.
> I was thinking at building the dependencies in the docker daily with
> AWS. We could even have different set of dependencies in different
> docker tags and use a Travis matrix to test them all ... given that it
> does not add too much to the Travis allowed time.
True, that's something to consider as well. That could also directly
populate a ppa (and avoid using docker).

Considering the matrix, do you have a good idea what we could/should
include in this matrix?

One thing I'm not sure is if we have a maximum number of parallel jobs
and will make our own queue grow if we are hammering the infrastructure
with parallel jobs. Do you know anything about this?

>     What's the workflow here?
>     If this can be added directly inside a pull request this has some
>     advantages like
>     a) responsibility (even without commit rights on the qgis repo you
>     can build the deps in the pull request)
>     b) sandboxing (if the library is updated in a centralized
>     repository and the new gdal version kills some other unit tests we
>     will have that also failing on master).
> That's a big advantage, I agree.
> The bottomline is that if you know how to do that and it will work
> without timing out, your solutions is for sure the best one.

Larry has been doing similar things for osgeo4mac in the past, so I'm
fairly positive that it's possible.


> Cheers
> -- 
> Alessandro Pasotti
> w3:   www.itopen.it <http://www.itopen.it>

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