[Qgis-developer] QgsGeometry, Geos and SFCGAL

G. Allegri giohappy at gmail.com
Mon Mar 13 01:09:55 PDT 2017

Something I forgot to add in my original reply - instead of investing

time into utilising CGAL instead of GEOS, I'd rather see us
investigate swapping out GEOS calls to Boost::geometry calls. The
boost geometry algorithms are really nicely implemented, and their
interface avoids the need to convert between different object types
(ie QgsGeometry->GEOS). This could potentially be a big
performance/memory usage win.

I think that keeping GEOS for all the Simple Features stuff (geoms,
predicates and ops) is important to remain aligned and keep comparability
with most of the other GFOSS sw based on GEOS/JTS.

The only relevant exception is GRASS GIS, but it's different in so many
ways that it is barely comparable to anyone else...

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