[QGIS-Developer] Problem with 3D during compilation in debian sid

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Tue Apr 10 09:19:41 PDT 2018

On 04/10/2018 05:56 PM, matteo wrote:
>>> Filing a bugreport against src:qt3d-opensource-src asking about to
>>> missing Qt3DExtras headers is a good idea. It may be a bug that those
>>> files are no longer included in the package, the package changelog nor
>>> the upstream changes mention removing Qt3DExtras.
>> Forget about reporting a bug, the Qt3DExtras headers were removed on
>> purpose:
>>  https://salsa.debian.org/qt-kde-team/qt/qt3d/commit/8e3cf88c8124fee940f2de1f8d3a54c48b1c53d1
> so in other words no 3D in debian sid right?

Unfortunately yes, since QGIS 3.0.x requires Qt53DExtras. Perhaps it can
be made optional or worked around in another way.

Kind Regards,


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