[QGIS-Developer] Pull requests, reviews, beginner questions

Ari Jolma ari.jolma at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 02:56:04 PST 2018


I made a small PR yesterday - and accidentally added another small fix 
to it today. The PR is at https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/6556

The first change in the PR is a fix to translation (a string is changed 
before it is sent to tr) and the second change fixes a missing default 
to gdaldem color-relief processing (I suspect many more fixes like this 
needed to other gdal processing tools, see my old PR 4220)

I'm not very familiar with PRs, especially in a large project like QGIS. 
It seems to me that I should specifically ask the original authors of 
those sources I'm fixing to review the PR? And should I assume they will 
merge the PRs? The travis CI build seems to have failed checking my PR - 
but most likely the reason is not my PR but something else - how to check?

Lastly, these changes are very small, is PR the correct way to submit them?



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