[QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-user] Zoom to Scale Plugin - Should we include it on qgis.org?

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Feb 21 00:49:21 PST 2020

On 2/21/20 7:00 AM, Alexander Bruy wrote:
> Also QGIS allows to create custom scale lists and switch between scales
> by selecting desired value from the scale combobox in the main window
> statusbar.

Hi Alex,

As a argument against using the custom scale switch: in my country we
have a local tile-scheme [0] with a 'strange' set of scales.

So adding them means you cannot use it anymore for other scale-set's
(like Google Mercator scheme).

My little treewidget would make it possible to have a layer with 2
base/reference layers in different tile-schemes, and still make it
possible to always have a crisp scale (by making the corresponding layer

@Nyall, in my case you can choose to ALWAYS zoom to the given scales
with a checkbox.


Richard Duivenvoorde


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