[QGIS-Developer] Grant report: Integrate GPS Tools plugin functionality into core QGIS

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Sun Aug 1 22:06:20 PDT 2021

Hi lists,

With the final pull request just submitted
(https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/44508), I'm happy to announce that
the QGIS grant work: "Integrate GPS Tools plugin functionality into
core QGIS" is now complete. You can read more about the motivation
behind this work at

This grant sees the removal of the old, unmaintained "GPS Tools" core
plugin, with all functionality from the plugin moved to reusable
Processing algorithms or the unified Data Source Manager dialog. Since
the functionality now uses the Processing framework, users gain the
ability to run these tools in batch modes, as part of graphical
models, and from 3rd party scripts and plugins.

As a bonus the new tools are all fully covered by unit tests.

Additionally, I also used this opportunity to revamp the global
settings dialog. This dialog has been growing over time as more and
more settings from other parts of QGIS are added to the dialog.
(That's a great thing -- unifying the settings in one place makes them
much more discoverable for users!). In order to avoid loss of
usability in this dialog due to the addition of yet another settings
page (for GPSBabel Devices), I've instead reworked the dialog to use a
"tree" structure for the settings pages. This helps group related
settings pages together, and provides more hints to users about where
particular settings reside. (I'm hoping to take further advantage of
this restructuring to move some more isolated options pages into the
global options dialog, such as moving the Custom Projections dialog to
a new page within the "CRS and transforms" group).

Thanks again for the opportunity to complete this work!


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