[QGIS-Developer] QGIS projecting loading and WFS layer validation

Paul Wittle paul.wittle at dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Mon Feb 22 07:14:13 PST 2021


I've noticed that if you put a smaller timeout under the Network settings then I often find that I get invalid layer errors for WFS layers. This is odd because the timeout was set at 5 seconds and I'm pretty sure the load process was not waiting 5 seconds per WFS layer (it was too quick for that). I set the value at 10 seconds and there is no noticeable difference in load up time but the WFS layer load without an issue.

Could there be a bug in the code causing this behaviour and is there any connection pooling for WFS layers or does it GetCapabilities each layer individually?

I would also be interested to know it is possible to force the application to only validate layers which are switched on when loading a project?

This is because a number of our users have suggested QGIS is slower loading than it's commercial rivals. I'm pretty sure some of these faster because they may be skipping validation checks on layers that are switched off as default. This makes sense to me as presumably the application has to validate layer when you toggle them on/off anyway as layers may become invalid after the project is loaded anyway.

QGIS seems to check every layer so if a project has 50+ layers the load time can be a tad slows (minutes) but if you assume that only 10 or so layers would actually be set to visible then the load up time would be significantly faster if we could skip the 40+ that are not needed on initial load.

I might be interested in knowing more about this topic as we may have an interest in helping to develop changes if there are any that make sense to make.

Best Regards,
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