[QGIS-Developer] stale bot :-(

Karsten Tebling tebling at masuch.de
Sun Jan 3 23:39:41 PST 2021

Am 22.12.2020 um 23:23 schrieb Nyall Dawson:
> That sounds ideal, but unfortunately things just don't work that way.
> If your bug report is not reproducible there's a very low chance it
> will get fixed.
> So if you want your bug fixed, the motivation sits with you to make it
> as easy as possible for the bug triaging team/developers to reproduce.
> Honestly, if we (developers) can't reproduce a bug in <5 minutes,
> we'll just move to the next ticket in the queue and you've missed your
> chance at a fix...
> And that's exactly what stale bot and the feedback tag is designed to
> assist with -- it helps push the responsibility back to the bug
> submitter to make sure there's sufficient detail and a reproducible
> test case in the ticket. It's actually in place to avoid frustration
> caused by the "I submitted this ticket 12 months ago, why has nothing
> been done?!?!?" situation.
> Nyall

first of all, happy new year!

thanks for the detailed answer!

 From a user-point-of-view I thought the "Copy Report" would contain 
enough information needed to fix the issue. Knowing that you will skip 
reports/bugs that can't be reproduced within <5 minutes, I would suggest 
to change the text of the QGIS-crashed dialog to reflect that. Right now 
the text is "Include as much information as you can as well as steps to 
reproduce the issue if possible" - it would be better if the text would 
say something like "if you can reproduce..." or "if you can provide 
sample data that crashes..." or "if this crash occured more than 
once...". You could also remove the "Tell us something about when you 
got the crash." because it is both above the input field and in the 
input field - this way you have more room to explain what a helpful 
report is for you developers. This might help to save time for the 
developer and the user.

Even if you don't change anything I'm thankful for your answer, because 
now I know when to report and when not, which saves me precious time!


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