[QGIS-Developer] Message to list

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Mon Jan 4 06:06:35 PST 2021

Hannah Wait <Hannah at land-scope.com> writes:

> I work at a land surveying company and have a question on QGIS and QField if anyone can help with.
> We are currently looking at uploading the 'Survaid' data with accurate
> positioning and exporting as a shapefile with the attributes in to
> QGIS. Do you know if there is a way to get the higher accuracy of
> external GPS to feed into QField on our tablet at all?

QField is on my list of things to try, but I haven't yet.
(Unfortunately it is not on f-droid so I'll have to build it from

This query probably belongs on the QField mailinglist, but that appears
to be remarkably difficult to find.

On Android, I can see three approaches.

  I use Vespucci, which is an openstreetmap editor.  It has support for
  an external NMEA source, via a TCP connection.  One can put a phone in
  hotspot mode and have the external device (e.g. Ardusimple WiFi NTRIP
  Master with a simpleRTK2B F9P, and you are almost certainly using
  something higher end!) get RTCM3 data, and have Vespucci get the RTK
  solutions as high-precision NMEA.  This takes you out of GIS proper
  into OSM, which uses tags instead of layers, even though it's
  basically the same thing.

  Modify QField to have the same sort of feature as Vespucci.  You are
  apparently not the first to want this:

  Use Android's "mocking" debug feature, which involves some program to
  talk to the external GNSSr and inject location into the system, so
  that programs see that location information.   I gather people do this
  with QField, from skimming their github repo.  See
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