[QGIS-Developer] PYQGIS - OpenGL in QgsPluginLayer

Eric Younkin - NOAA Federal eric.g.younkin at noaa.gov
Wed Mar 3 06:47:29 PST 2021


Looking for some advice.  We have a need to use OpenGL to draw the
symbology associated with some vector data.  All of our code uses OpenGL
1.x.  I was thinking we could use the QOpenGLWidget and the QgsPluginLayer
to add our OpenGL rendered symbology to a QgsMapCanvas as a new layer.

Is this possible?  Is there an example anyone knows of that is kind of
similar to this idea?  Or is there a better way to approach this problem?


Eric Younkin
Physical Scientist
NOAA OCS, Hydrographic Systems and Technology Branch
1315 East-West Highway
N/CS11, Room 6604
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Office: 240-847-8208
Cell: 828-331-8197
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