[QGIS-Developer] Reg: QgsCoordinateTransform not working on Linux (Prem Kumar)

Jean Hemmi jean at jhemmi.eu
Thu May 27 09:00:06 PDT 2021

Hello Prem
I've experienced the same problem running qgis standalone.
QgsCoordinateTransform works fine inside QGIS. Perhaps the project instance
misses something...
I've choose a bypass using pyproj

from pyproj import Proj, transform
PYPROJ_SOURCE_CRS      = Proj(init='epsg:4326')
PYPROJ_DESTINATION_CRS = Proj(init='epsg:2154')
longDestination, latDestination = transform( PYPROJ_SOURCE_CRS,
QgsPointXY( longDestination, latDestination)  # you're back in QGIS API

Hope this can help you
Jean Hemmi
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