[QGIS-Developer] attribute table cuts vell values after 32767 characters

Marco Lechner mlechner at bfs.de
Fri May 13 03:41:07 PDT 2022


A QString QgsField of unlimited length can store long text (in my case > 300.000 characters). When viewing the attribute table, no matter if using a tabular view or a form view, only a maximum of 32767 characters are visualized. If you copy the value of such a table cell or try to append text at its end, only the first 32767 characters are copied and you cannot go any further with the text cursor to edit the value.
Is this a bug (shall I file a bug)? Can it be fixed or is this a Qt5 limitation (I don’t hope so)?


i.A. Dr. Marco Lechner
Leiter Fachgebiet RN 1 │ Head RN 1

Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz │ Federal Office for Radiation Protection
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