[QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server WMS Advertised extent and layers / groups bounding box in GetCapabilities

René-Luc Dhont rldhont at gmail.com
Tue Oct 4 04:37:54 PDT 2022

Hi QGIS Server devs,

We, David and I, are working on enhancing the way QGIS Server is 
building the WMS GetCapabilities document. [1]

And I have some questions about the QGIS Server WMS Advertised extent 
and the layers / groups bounding box in GetCapabilities.

For exemple in the tests/testdata/qgis_server/test_project.qgs [2], the 
WMS Advertised extent is set to
* CRS="EPSG:4326" minx="44.901236" miny="8.203154"  maxx="44.901599" 
maxy="8.204165" [3][4]

And in this project, the WGS84 extent of the landsat layer is
* CRS="EPSG:4326" minx="30.151856" miny="17.924273" maxx="30.257289" 
maxy="18.045658" [5]

As you can read, the layer landsat is out of the WMS Advertised extent.

So the WMS GetCapabilities document contains a layer landsat with a 
bounding box outside the root layer / group bounding box.

I was thinking that the root layer / group bounding box should include 
all the layers bounding box.

So I wonder what the role of the WMS Advertised extent is.
* Is it only the root layer / group extent ?
* Is it a restricted extent (no data available outside this extent) ?
* Is it the minimum extent of all WMS layers ?

1. https://github.com/dmarteau/QGIS/tree/wms-getcapabilities-refactoring-2


René-Luc Dhont
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