[QGIS-Developer] How to make custom toolbar actions work with Interface Customization dialog

Paul Wittle paul.wittle at dorsetcouncil.gov.uk
Fri Oct 7 06:04:42 PDT 2022


Answering my own question I think. I added .setObjectName() on my QAction object and now I get an actual name in the name column. It seems to be remembering my selections now in the Interface Customization so hopefully this reply will help others.


From: Paul Wittle
Sent: 07 October 2022 13:31
To: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: How to make custom toolbar actions work with Interface Customization dialog


I’ve added a number of toolbars to QGIS in a custom python plugin using the basic templates and adding a QAction element. My buttons appear and they work but if I try to switch off a button using the Interface Customiszation options it doesn’t work because the toolbar can be toggled but not the actual buttons within it.

Can anyone point me towards the right setting to configure a button so it can be managed in the Interface Customization dialog?

The buttons do appear individually but there is not name in the column just the icon and unchecking them has no impact on the *.ini file saved. I will continue to search the documentation online for an answer but struggling to work out which property to investigate so thought I’d see if anyone else already knows the answer 😊

Thank you,
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