[QGIS-Developer] PyQGIS code: setting filter expression for value relation widget

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Feb 13 02:31:41 PST 2023


I am looking for a code snippet in PyQGIS: how can I change the filter 
expression for a value relation widget?

Technically, the widget seems to be a QComboBox. I can get access to the 
combobox, e.g. to get the current value - but how can I access the QGIS 
related functionality, like changing programmatically settings of the 
value relation widget , such as the filter expression? I found the 
QgsValueRelationFieldFormatter object, but it doesn't allow me to change 
the filter expression. Any idea how I would change the filter expression 
using Python?

Thank you for any hints,

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