[Qgis-psc] Motion: svn write access for Sergey Yakushev

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 12:12:39 PST 2011


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Tim Sutton <tim at linfiniti.com> wrote:
> Should we consider moving things from being plugins to core
> functionality when we move them from 'outside' into trunk? My
> rationale for this is:
> - if the tool is not cross-cutting (widely useful) it should not be in trunk
> - if it is in trunk it should be incorporated into the general ui so
> that it feels integrated
> - we can reduce plugin menu clutter and make tools feel a more natural
> part of QGIS

I completely agree with Tim. There are several plugins within trunk
that nowadays are still plugins just from the historical point of
view. Stuff like loading of WFS / GPS layers or adding some
decorations to canvas should be regular parts of the application.
Basically all of the c++ plugins that we ship could be moved to
appropriate parts of qgis sources - the key is to improve the
integration with the rest of GUI. Additionally we would probably save
some time during QGIS startup because it will not have to load further

> Not sure how the above applies to python plugins though....

It applies to python plugins too. They can get better integrated into
QGIS GUI in the same way as c++ plugins. The difference is that
keeping some piece of functionality as a plugin has the advantage that
updates can be released independently from qgis releases.


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