[Qgis-psc] Notes about certification

Régis Haubourg regis.haubourg at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 11:52:00 PDT 2018

Hi Kurt,
thanks for sharing the link, that helps a lot.

I'm a bit surprised bit this block:

*You are required to provide the training material for each of your
courses. This includes exercises, lectures and data. This material will be
reviewed for currentness, accurate representation of the QGIS project and
overall quality. *

*If the material is not of adequate quality, this can be cause for refusal.*


I think we can't let this so strictly formulated. That implies ALL courses,
including lectures and data needs to be released. I never give two
identical courses with the same dataset or supports. So we should probably
ease that with something like

-- *You are required to provide the training material for each generic
course level ----*

Formulated like currently, I am really concerned we get perceived as
extremists and that very few trainers jump into the certification program.
Which would mean it's death before it's even born - and no incomes funding
QGIS.org in the end.

Just a reminder, most European trainings are made via universities or
dedicated funding entity that have their own certification process. They
don't recognized any validity to the QGIS.org certificates. So the value of
our certification program is a delicate balance between recognizing a
quality of contribution for a trainer, which is worth if trainees choose
them instead on that criteria, and the administrative burden for the
trainer. Not speaking of universities that don't have any budget available
for buying the certificates.

In our case, I doubt I would have a clearance to spend so much time in
administrative work, when I could have one to spend more time in
contributing to the common training materials in QGIS's github repository.
And one can't contribute in all parts of a project, this is too much to

Sorry to be crude, but I don't recognize the discussion we had in Zanzibar

Best regards


Le lun. 8 oct. 2018 à 19:45, Kurt Menke <kurt at birdseyeviewgis.com> a écrit :

> I forgot to include the link to this doc to make editing easier
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I0qROVANffdhN34tQq41FQN6gPSaRt_GElkdqxJAX0Q/edit?usp=sharing
> **************************
> Kurt Menke
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