[Qgis-psc] Bug tracking (no, not *that* one... a different question)

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Fri Oct 12 01:10:02 PDT 2018

Hi Nyall

Il 10/12/2018 09:59 AM, Nyall Dawson ha scritto:
> Not sure if it's possible in redmine, but maybe we could have a status
> for "closed due to inactivity". It's not closed as resolved, but just
> closed due to lack of responses. Then it'd still be possible to search
> for unfixed issues, but at the same time the only open issues would be
> those which the original poster is actively maintaining.
this could help
> I'm a little confused -- my whole strategy is that tickets are
> AUTOMATICALLY closed after a period of inactivity, not manually (which
> is the current approach).
sure, automatically. the caution I'm talking about would mean having a
not-too-short period before closing, and perhaps having someone
responsible for checking whether an autoclosed issue is it worth
reopening, or possibly better ideas. The rationale is: an user can open
a valid ticket, with proper information, but he's not interested in
following the work further, perhaps because the ticket does not impact
his work directly, or he found a workaround. Closing this will mean a
loss of valid info.

All the best.

Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu

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