[qgis-qwc2] GWC2 and GeoServer

Ásta Kristín Óladóttir asta at alta.is
Fri Aug 11 08:37:30 PDT 2017

Hello everyone.
I find gwc2 very promising, but is it correctly understood that in order to
have good use of it I will have to set up QGIS Server with it, since it
uses QGIS projects as templates and some other QGIS Server specific options
like e.g. the PDF printer? I have been using GeoServer for some time and It
would be very handy form me to use some naked version of gwc2 as a web map
with various features and connect it with WMS and WFS´s layers coming from

Best regards,

Ásta Kristín Óladóttir
*B.S. Landfræði *

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