[Qgis-user] Projections Management Tool

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sat Mar 22 14:59:01 PDT 2008

is it an idea to put some work/discussion in the plugin 
infrastructure/system when there is some time (after the 9.2 release?)?

Thinking about:
--- some kind of quality levels/grades:
A-grade: plugins which have been proven/tested to work with the latest 
qgis version; some kind of peer system in which other experienced 
python/qgis developers look into the code to see if there is no 
hazardous code in it, and stuff is programmed as 'we' think it should?
When you want your (or others) to become an A-grade plugin: you have to 
contact the plugin developer and/or the qgis-pluginquality-people so 
there will be a review.
B-grade: As soon as a plugin fails to work, it falls back to B-grade 
(aka: to be tested/fixed again). It can be upgraded to A when somebody 
takes time to fix it, and/or ask the qgis-pluginquality-people to check 
C-grade: you name it yourself: 'testing', 'alpha', 'beta', 'non-tested', 
'demo', 'to-be-tested' (interesting stuff, but don't call on us when it 
fails :-) )
--- 'externals': links to 'private' repositories, but with a description 
and link in QGIS-main-repository (D-grade ?), or just links to downloads 
(eg to the postgis-plugin which was discussed in the list a few months 
ago, it't indeed not in the repository (yet)...
--- some extended packaging rules (like a html-doc-file in it?)
--- a 'test me' checkbox for plugins (in the webpage), so volunteers can 
  do some functionality checking?
--- a wishlist for plugins (can be a wikipage/blogpage)
--- show some more release info in the repository page or plugin gui 
(old idea)
--- some discussion/rules about 'orphaned' plugins, maintainer roles etc
--- putting certain plugins in qgis svn?

As a freshman in the releaseteam, I can volunteer to work on this, 
though for reviewing code I need assistance from some more experienced 
Is the repository code in subverions anyway?

And I don't know what other people think of this kind of 'systems'. Stop 
me if you think it's overkill!! Is it too early to start with this? (we 
can first wait till we have more then 50 plugins around ...). I prefer 
'lean/kiss' systems myself, and I do not want to slowdown the plugin 
development as it is going fine nowadays. But as I see concerns about 
security of plugins, people too shy/not adding there plugin in 
repository etc, I think we can at least think about this stuff ...

Richard Duivenvoorde

Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Carson Farmer ha scritto:
>> For anyone who might be interested, the plugin is available from here:
>> http://www.geog.uvic.ca/spar/tools.html
> Moreover, I believe it would be good to make a testing repo for alpa and
> beta plugins, so thing will not get lost in the net.
> Eg the interesting stuff from
> http://www.maths.lancs.ac.uk/~rowlings/Software/ratioRenderer/
> and an increasing number of others.
> Gary/Tim, can you do that?
> All the best.
> pc

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