[Qgis-user] QgsGeometry - how to detect nr of rings and vertices

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Tue Nov 11 02:17:59 PST 2008


I am using QgsGeometry from python. I would like to find out the nr of
rings and vertices per ring but could not find a function for this purpose
in http://doc.qgis.org/classQgsGeometry.html

Is there something hidden/undocumented to find out this information?

The idea is to step through all rings and vertices of a QgsGeometry object
and process the coordinates.


Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 6, CH-8624 Grüt/Gossau, Switzerland
Email: a.neumann at carto.net, Web:
* http://www.carto.net/ (Carto and SVG resources)
* http://www.carto.net/neumann/ (personal page)
* http://www.svgopen.org/ (SVG Open Conference)
* http://www.geofoto.ch/ (Georeferenced Photos of Switzerland)

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