[Qgis-user] Clip from Rectangle defined by Coordinates

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Mon Dec 7 04:18:57 PST 2009


This is perhaps more a question towards Carson and others dealing with

Regarding clipping: one common scenario is that one wants to clip a
rectangular area based on corner coordinates, e.g. lower/left and
upper/right corner.

Currently, one would have to generate a file or table physically
containing the clipping rectangle. For this scenario it would be more
convenient if the clipping rectangle could be defined by coordinates,
without having to generate a dataset first.

Do you think this could be implemented in fTools for convenience? Perhaps
one could use the memory provider for this purpose and add some GUI for
entering coordinates for the corners of the rectangle.

What do you think? Would this be of general interest?


Andreas Neumann

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