[Qgis-user] GdalTools plugin

Maxim Dubinin sim at gis-lab.info
Mon Dec 21 08:01:06 PST 2009

Hi Paolo,

We can take care of #2,5,8,9,10,11

We'll also provide test cases for modifications we're currently
implementing. Are there any time constraints?


Вы писали 21 декабря 2009 г., 9:21:51:

PC> Hi all.
PC> We are busy improving the plugin:
PC> https://trac.faunalia.it/GdalTools-plugin/
PC> we would like to set up a set of data for testing. Ideally they should be small
PC> enough so that the analyses can run quickly, possibly in the same CRS, and obviously
PC> free to post around.
PC> What we need:
PC> 1. a couple of tiff to patch together in a Virtual Raster
PC> 2. a dtm for contours
PC> 3. a categorical shapefile to be rasterized, with an existing raster to copy the
PC> results to
PC> 4. a categorical raster to vectorize
PC> 5. a couple of rasters to be merged (may be the same as #1, but they must be very
PC> small, as merge takes ages)
PC> 6. a "dirty" raster to be sieved (with small dots of several pixels, to be removed;
PC> may be the same as #1 and #5)
PC> 7. a raster to calculate a distance surface (e.g. a couple of rivers)
PC> 8. a "dirty" raster with nearblacks to be moved to blacks
PC> 9. same for white
PC> 10. a raster to reproject (can be any of the above)
PC> 11. a set of vector points with values to interpolate
PC> 12. a raster to be transalted in a different format (can be any of the above).

PC> I have something for #4 and #7, but nothing optimal for the rest.
PC> I have searched through ftp://ftp.remotesensing.org/gdal/data/, but it takes a while
PC> to choose the appropriate files (not knowing them, I should open each of them and test).
PC> If someone can provide me with sample data (please send them privately, or make them
PC> available through a link), I will make them available for anybody, and will provide
PC> sample commands to obtain desired results.
PC> Looking forward to hear from you.
PC> All the best.

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