[Qgis-user] Alternative schemas for postgis geometry_columns?

FW forkandwait at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 08:11:10 PST 2009

In my postgis installations, I like to keep my postgis junk in its own
schema (aptly named "postgis"), and then to set postgis to the last
element in the search path. This way you can drop the entire thing by
dropping the schema, you can search for functions in postgis.*, etc.

However, when I connect QGIS to my DB, it can't find my
geometry_columns, spatial_ref_sys, or the fact that I have a geometry
type.  These are all quite visible from the psql prompt using \dT and
the like

Is there a way to have QGIS look in the schema postgis for this?

I am running 1.3.0 on freebsd, with both spatialite and postgis supported.


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