[Qgis-user] Grass error in Quantum GIS 1.4.0 from Kcubeconsulting

Agustin Lobo alobolistas at gmail.com
Sat Apr 3 03:15:40 PDT 2010


We've found an error at setting the grass default region:
we select New Mapset and when we get to the Default GRASS Region
panel and select the tab "Set Current Qgis extent", the N and S
coordinates are correct (coincident with the display) but the
W and E coordinates are wrong (defining a much larger region).
We use a UTM projection.

This error is not present in the linux version of Qgis 1.4.0, which sets the
same N and S limits but sets the correct W and E limits.

Could anybody check if this error is also present in the
osgeo4w version of Qgis 1.4.0 ?



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