[Qgis-user] Mobile GIS

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 14:33:00 PDT 2010

Hi Phillip,

Thanks for sharing your project and ideas.

Have you tried this app.


Probably you can borrow some of their codes to incorporate to what you
have started. It is GPL project as as well. I think there is no edit
function in the map viewer.



On 4/21/10, Philipp Auersperg-Castell <phil at bluedynamics.com> wrote:
> IT depends what you need from the mobile GIS application,I am
> currently poking around with android, Qgis and MapServer for forrestry
> mapping.
> I used Qgis to develop a forest map for my forest enterprise, with
> PostGis as backend.
> Recently Ive bought my first Android smartphone with GPS integrated
> and in consequence there came up the wish to display my forest map in
> GoogleMaps (with the satellite image as background) and the ability to
> mark points or areas by GPS and upload them into the GIS.
> So I typed 'gis' and 'map' and similar terms into Android Market
> (=AppStore in the Android world) and found nothing useful except apps
> for geocaching, hiking, mountainbiking and the like, but
> nothing that would fit my needs.
> As a consequence I started experimenting with the Android SDK and
> found out that it is not too much work to use the MapView shipping
> with the SDK to display stuff on top of the google satellite image.
> With the help of JTS (a java library for geo stuff,
> http://www.vividsolutions.com/jts/jtshome.htm)
>   it was less than 100 lines of code to display polygon layers as
> overlay into the MapView. Most of the work was to get initially
> familiar with Android SDK and its philosophy, and with its integration
> to eclipse it seems quite handy to me.
> The next Problem is how to get my maps from Qgis/Postgis to my phone,
> there I decided for an online solution with MapServer as backend. QGis
> has MapServerExport as plugin, so its no big deal to  export a QGIS
> project to MapServer. Then I wrote an xmlrpc server (around 150 lines
> of python code including coordinate transformation) which deploys the
> layer features in the WKT format, that I parse on my handheld with the
> help of JTS library and the module mentioned above displays it on my
> MapView.
> I also wrote some code to capture coordinates (points and areas) with
> GPS and are currently working on uploading them into the GIS server.
> My software can even mark remote points using the handheld's camera
> and the device's internal compass for the direction. I then just have
> to manually enter the distance read from a laser distance meter and
> have my point location.
> All that is by far not production ready but serves for me as a proof
> of concept that I can display my map online from my server on my
> android phone and be able to digitize features with GPS.
> If anybody is working on such a beast please let me know if you are
> interested in doing some work together....
> regards
> Philipp

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