AW: [Qgis-user] Compile problem?

Möri Cedric Cedric.Moeri at
Thu Aug 5 06:07:53 PDT 2010

Hi Gavin 

thanks a lot, that did it. I just removed the whole lib directory in my prefix (i.e. rm -r /usr/local/foo/lib)


----- Originalnachricht -----
Von: "Gavin Macaulay" <gavin at>
Gesendet: Don, 5.8.2010 14:49
An: qgis-user at
Betreff: Re: AW: [Qgis-user] Compile problem?


It sounds like you have an old qgis .so file somewhere that, when qgis is being run, is loaded instead of the newly compiled one. If suggest that you find and delete all ligqgis*.so files and then 'make install'.



---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 14:37:28 +0200
>From: Möri Cedric <Cedric.Moeri at>  
>Subject: AW: [Qgis-user] Compile problem?  
>To: qgis-user at
>Hi all
>I'm still messing with my that is not found. I built now a debug version to have a look at the application settings. I also went back in the revisions to see where the problems starts. Up to r13925 the installation works and begining with r13926 my build is broken. 
>The application settings in the debug console shows for r13925 the correct prefixPath: /usr/local/foo
>In r13926 the prefix path is empty (and so the lib isn't found, of course). I did some extra debug messages and it looks just that the prefix path in the constructor of QgsApplication is set, but if it is called from QgisApp::loadPythonSupport, QgsApplication::prefixPath() returns an empty string.
>The changeset r13926 is about trunk/qgis/CMakeLists.txt and just changes the minor version number and the release name. 
>Has anyone an idea what is happenig? Is there some kind of cache in cmake (I did a configure/generate in ccmake already)? Or is the build process getting some old stuff (libs or headers, but which ones to consider)? 
>Thanks in advance for any hint.
>Best regards
>----- Originalnachricht -----
>Von: "Möri Cedric" <Cedric.Moeri at>
>Gesendet: Mit, 4.8.2010 12:19
>An: qgis-user at
>Betreff: [Qgis-user] Compile problem?
>Hi all
>I just compiled r14004 on RedHat-Linux. Everything seems to go fine, but when I now start the new qgis, it says
>Warning: Couldn't load Python support library: Cannot load library /lib/qgispython: (/lib/ Kann die Shared-Object-Datei nicht öffnen: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden)
>(the german reads: Cannot open shared object file: File or directory not found)
>I'm using a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX which points to /usr/local/foo
>In fact /lib/ doesn't exist, but with the prefix I'm expecting the so-file in /usr/local/foo/lib. And that's where I found which links to in the same directory.
>I did also a make clean, but the same result.
>Has anybody a hint for me, what I'm missing? Do I have some misconfiguration in my ccmake or what else could be wrong?
>mit freundlichen Grüssen
>Cédric Möri
>Kanton Solothurn
>Bau- und Justizdepartement
>Amt für Geoinformation
>Rötistrasse 4
>4501 Solothurn
>Telefon: +41 (0)32 627 24 75
>Telefax: +41 (0)32 627 22 14
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