[Qgis-user] Python Console and python scripts geoprocessing in QGIS

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 04:52:16 PST 2010

Hi Carson,

> As far as I know, most plugins aren't set up to allow scripting of
> their functions etc. We are currently working on incorporating all of
> the fTools (Vector/Tools menu) into the core C++ api, so that users
> and developers will have access to these functions via Python, but at
> the moment only a few functions are implemented. Generally, it depends
> on how the plugin authors have set up their modules, but more than
> likely this is not possible for most plugins.

Yes, I was looking at your fTools python code before and I wander how
can I use it for python scripting. Hence, I ask this question about
geoprocessing in QGIS using python.

I am interested in joining table functionability and creating a new
shapefile of it (your fTools function can do this already) and then
produce several thematic maps one go. I managed to do this type
geoprocesssing  in R geo.

I really hope one day we can use geoprocessing script in QGIS similar
to what ArcGIS is doing now. I hope probably later on, if you have the
time you can show us this functionality of ftools in python scripting.


Regards, Noli

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