[Qgis-user] using manageR

Dr. F. Patrick Graz fgraz at unam.na
Fri Nov 12 04:15:21 PST 2010

Hi all,
I have tried to get manageR to work on a windows XP box (R2.12 & QGIS
1.5/1.6)but don't seem to have any luck. To the best of my knowledge I have
all the necessary extensions installed in R (ade4, aspace, sp, spgrass6,
rgdal) adehabitat and have rpy2 installed.

When I tried using QGIS 1.5 manageR would tell me that it could not find the
r212.dll (I didn't write that error msg down...) but at least it tried...
With 1.6 extension does not respond at all (i.e. you click on its icon and
nothing happens).

I have tried uninstalling and re-installing R and qgis but it's still not
working. Where would I need to look to find out if my installation is
sufficiently complete - and should be working. Is there a compatibility
issue between the versions of the software - or software and extensions?

Another thought - when I upgraded from R2.10 to R2.12 on an Ubuntu machine I
could also not access manageR anymore...

Any help would be welcome.

Dr. F. Patrick Graz
Snr. Researcher, 
Multidisciplinary Research Centre, 
University of Namibia

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