[Qgis-user] Re: Projection of Shapefile export

Brett Adams badams.spinifex at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 18:54:30 PDT 2010


That is brilliant. Nice work.

I get a similar result to Ken. Offset between AGD84 and GDA94 in WA is 
36m using your file.

I was even able to export shape files and reimport them into the correct 
position suggesting the CRS has stuck. (AGD84 / AGD66 prj files look 
identical to me and yet the data still imports correctly ie 5m offset)

As far as I can tell, QGIS is not recognising these projections 
labelling  them all as WGS84 on import.

Brett Adams
Spinifex Geophysics
0438 861 974

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