[Qgis-user] Bugfix for wktraster 0.5.1

MaurĂ­cio de Paulo mauricio.dev at gmail.com
Mon Aug 22 15:28:07 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,
I'd like to thank everyone that tested wktraster 0.5 and replied with the
bugs. I could not reproduce it until today. As far as I've tested it's more
stable now as this version aimed to improve exception handling.
I don't think that I announced it but there is a wktrasterplugin project on
google code <http://code.google.com/p/wktrasterplugin/> where everyone can
send tickets and see the current svn.
Again thanks to everyone that tested. I hope that the plugin gets better
with every line of code written in order to help everyone solve their

Some curiosities:
this version also included tile appending to an existing table. It's very
unstable with pyramids but I've tested with non overviewed raster data.
I've also tested the creation of sql-made raster tables. Seems to work fine.
I haven't tested on views yet, but there should be no reason to crash.
Soon i'm going to implement a change to not list the overview as raster
tables. They are, indeed, but they seem to not carry much information. I
have to test it again. Does anyone have any point in favor of listing the

Best regards,

Mauricio de Paulo
Engenheiro Cartografo
MapeandoOBrasil <http://mapeandoobrasil.blogspot.com>
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