[Qgis-user] new xytools plugin: now open and save simple Excel files

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Dec 16 00:26:09 PST 2011

 yes - I will be able to help with these requests. I recently used 
 xlr/xlwrt and it is really easy to use.


 On Fri, 16 Dec 2011 09:17:22 +0100, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> On 2011-12-16 08:47, Andreas Neumann wrote:
>> * whe exporting, I always get a double file extension: 
>> filename.xls.xls
>> - no matter whether I specify the filename with or without the 
>> extension
> mmm, bug 1
>> * when exporting, it would be nice to optionally offer additional 
>> x/y
>> columns for point geometries, or the option to export as wkt 
>> geometry.
>> These additional columns could be appended to the end of the 
>> attribut
>> columns.
> Nice idea: feature request 1
>> * If the import would also support import of wkt, one could 
>> round-trip
>> data through export to excel --> editing of data in 
>> Office/Openoffice
>> (e.g. for people who do not have QGIS installed) and then import it 
>> again.
> feature request 2
>> * when importing data it would be nice if the importer allows a 
>> better
>> option to import data without a geometry or x/y columns. Currently 
>> one
>> can import data without x/y column, but only by clicking the "cancel
>> button". It would be good to have an additional button labeled 
>> "Import
>> without geometry".
> feature request 3
>> These are mostly enhancement ideas, not bugs.
> Thanks! Feedback is always nice, en fuels me to do this :-)
> And this part of the plugin is not difficult. I encourage people with
> some python knowledge to take the source or fork to github and try to
> solve/add these kind of things.
> I'll happy to pull it in.
> Regards,
> Richard
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 Andreas Neumann
 Böschacherstrasse 10A
 8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)

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