[Qgis-user] shape files in websites

Mayeul Kauffmann mayeul.kauffmann at free.fr
Wed May 11 11:54:48 PDT 2011

Le mercredi 11 mai 2011 à 13:43 +0200, Richard Duivenvoorde a écrit :
> Another option would be to install a Web Mapping Server/WMS (like
> Qgis-Mapserver, Minnesota Mapserver or Geoserver), and use so called
> getFeatureInfo requests (for the details of one feature), or template
> files to serve pages with attribute data.

There is since very recently a ready to use webclient package with qgis
(I could not find a detailed, upd-to-date documentation though).
An excellent demo is available here with all the functions you

see also:


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