[Qgis-user] Writing Python loop for Raster calculator

Swapnil Chaudhari swapsslan at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 23:35:36 PDT 2012

Dear QGIS User Team,

I have sets of grid files, corresponding to monthly mean temperature for
few years.

I am working on scaling the raw data and modifying the extent of output
file from -180,180,-90,90 to -180,180,-60, 90.

The process of doing this with Raster Calculator is straight and very
simple, where you have to give raster calculation expression, output extent
and name of output with its format.
The scaling equation for doing so e.g. is, (cru_tmp_clim_1961-1970_05 at 1

Although very simple, its very time consuming since I have data for around
6 to 7 dacads.

I would be very glad if some one can help me find the python script for
doing this in loop. So that I can process whole directory in single go.

In addition to that, I would also request you to inform mannaul, guide to
learn python scripting for simple raster and vector operations.

You efforts in helping with this is much appreciated.

Thank you very much.


 _> /__
(_) \(_)....... live healthy
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