[Qgis-user] using spatialite files for data sharing?

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Thu Aug 16 07:18:35 PDT 2012


2012/8/16 Etienne Tourigny <etourigny.dev at gmail.com>:
> Second (and my preferred) is to store them in a single spatialite file
> (or several, depending on file size).

I'll recommend SpatiaLite and/or PostGIS. But as you already mention,
SpatiaLite currently has very limited support in proprietary GIS. AFAIK,
ArcMap and MapInfo don't support it.

> Also, what is support for spatialite inside QGis and the various
> sextante back-ends, esp. R - both standalone and inside sextante? I am
> asking this because as far as I know, many qgis tools export to
> shapefile only, so storing everything in spatialite could represent
> complications down the road.

As I know, SEXTANTE works with data using qgis layers interface, so
input format (shape or SpatiaLite) doesn't matter

Alexander Bruy

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