[Qgis-user] orthorectification in QGIS

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 03:22:37 PDT 2012

Hi Luis,

QGIS itself didn't provide such functionality. But if you have OTB installed
you can use SEXTANTE toolbox and perform ortorectificаtion with it. Also
it is possible to use GDAL for this task

2012/10/17 Luis Lisboa <luislisboa1975 at gmail.com>:
> Greetings,
> I have used QGIS for displauying and visualization but now I will need to
> orthorectify a few satellite images. My question is: is there any QGIS
> function for this? If Yes, where can I find it?
> And, additionally, does it already include a DEM product?
> Thank you
> Luis

Alexander Bruy

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