[Qgis-user] QGIS Spatial Query

Steven Campbell s.campbell at poole.gov.uk
Thu Jul 25 06:05:27 PDT 2013

I was wondering if I could do the following within QGIS:


I want to update a column in my point layer with the attribute
information from a specific column in a polygon layer - so I have a
layer of postcodes and I want to give create a column, call it School
Catchment and I want to populate this column with the value of the
school name column from the catchment area polygon layer.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Steve Campbell

GIS Manager

Corporate Strategy and Communications

Borough of Poole | Civic Centre | Poole BH15 2RU

Tel: 01202 633 362

Email: s.campbell at poole.gov.uk

Website:www.boroughofpoole.com <http://www.boroughofpoole.com/> 

Think Green! Please Recycle


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