[Qgis-user] new user

Harald Hofmann harald.hofmann at monash.edu
Thu Sep 12 16:47:29 PDT 2013

while talking about the svg export, I have another question.

When I use print composer to generate a map, export it to SVG and import 
it to Illustrator, some shape files are not cropped to the extend of the 
print composer frame. Instead the whole shape file is shown.

What's the reason for this and how can it be solved?


On 12/09/13 23:47 , Mike Shand wrote:
> Albin,
> You are correct that SVG does cause some problems and often generates 
> an error message which I usually ignore when exporting a file.
> A Pdf does work in Illustrator but I have had better success with SVG, 
> especially if you wish to edit any map features or separate them into 
> layers.
> Of course QGIS purists would say why not do everything in QGIS, the 
> reality is that many cartographers (for the moment) prefer to finalise 
> their maps in a graphics package such as Adobe Illustrator.  Exporting 
> from ArcGIS to Adobe Illustrator (and retaining layers) is also a 
> common route used by cartographers.
> Mike
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Harald Hofmann
Research Fellow PhD - Hydrogeology
School of Geosciences - Monash University
Wellington Rd., Clayton, Victoria 3800
Phone: +61 3 99055786

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