[Qgis-user] How can I assign an attribute of a layer to another layer - (I mean auto fill attibute of a layer if it contains in another layer)

AJAY KUMAR MULAKALA ajay_vsv at yahoo.co.in
Fri Apr 4 05:28:45 PDT 2014

Dear all

I have a Point layer (fire stations and attributed with phone nos., colony name) and Polygon (Localities/Cities attributed with PIN/ZIP no.)

I would now like to assign polygon file attributes (PIN/ZIP no) to point 
file attribute (locality- an existing empty column (or) a new column) where the point is containing in the polygon.

if city/locality (polygon) consist with a fire station (point), then that city PIN/ZIP code is to add/assign to New/Existing column of fire station...?

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