[Qgis-user] convert xml into variable with type of list/dictionary

Suryo Miles suryomiles666 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 20 21:46:27 PDT 2014

Hay i m new in python and i have a task to make plugin in QGIS and use this
code to open xml file and then read it in QTextBrowser, this is code i use
to open xml file :

class testparseDialog(QtGui.QDialog)
    def __init__(self):
        # Set up the user interface from Designer.
        self.ui = Ui_testparse()

        opendata = self.ui.btnCari

    def openxml(self, event=None):

        #open dialog
        openfile = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File',


        #call XML data

    def isiData(self, nmsatu):
        #open teks with read mode
        openteks = open(nmsatu, 'r').read()


but then when i try to parse xml i open with code above i read it must be
converted into a variable with the type of "list/dictionary" and only after
that it can be parsed with ElementTree or other parse method

can someone tell me how to convert xml into variable?

and Xml i try to parse have format like this


Thanks for Advance
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