[Qgis-user] Spatialite VIEW in QGIS question

Pedro Machado Monteiro pedromachadomonteiro at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 01:53:05 PST 2014

Hello Bernd,

In QGis 1.8 and 1.7, perhaps this will help (exporting *shp* to *csv* with *wkt
*geometry, also your observation entries to *csv*, and linking both*; *not
very productive, I suppose)




Good luck

Pedro Monteiro

2014-02-18 20:29 GMT+00:00 Bernd Vogelgesang <bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de>:

> Hi folks,
> I'm quite desperate, cause I do not seem to understand what I'm doing
> wrong, or if it's just not possible to do.
> I have a polygon layer in my spatialite database and a normal table with
> bird observations. There are many observation entries for each item in the
> polygons.
> They share the simple field "id".
> I created dozens of view, following strictly http://www.gaia-gis.it/
> spatialite-3.0.0-BETA/spatialite-cookbook/html/sp-view.html (and i REALLY
> can't find any other tutorials).
> When i query "SELECT * FROM "test17"" in Spatialite GUI, it shows all the
> lines with different observation entries for each polygon id, when i load
> the VIEW in QGIS, it doesn't but duplicates the first matching observation
> for one polygon over and over.
> The idea is to quickly identify all observations when selecting a polygon,
> and then go to the attribute table to see which species are there.
> Is it possible to create a one-to-many spatial VIEW with Spatialite GUI  ?
> if yes
> Whats the trick?
> if no
> Is QGIS just not able to show the views table correctly?
> if no
> Whats the trick?
> Wasted many days on that now, and time is running away.
> Please, someone, heeeeelp
> Bernd
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