[Qgis-user] Spatialite VIEW in QGIS question

Bernd Vogelgesang bernd.vogelgesang at gmx.de
Tue Feb 18 12:29:49 PST 2014

Hi folks,

I'm quite desperate, cause I do not seem to understand what I'm doing 
wrong, or if it's just not possible to do.

I have a polygon layer in my spatialite database and a normal table with 
bird observations. There are many observation entries for each item in 
the polygons.
They share the simple field "id".

I created dozens of view, following strictly 
(and i REALLY can't find any other tutorials).

When i query "SELECT * FROM "test17"" in Spatialite GUI, it shows all 
the lines with different observation entries for each polygon id, when i 
load the VIEW in QGIS, it doesn't but duplicates the first matching 
observation for one polygon over and over.

The idea is to quickly identify all observations when selecting a 
polygon, and then go to the attribute table to see which species are there.

Is it possible to create a one-to-many spatial VIEW with Spatialite GUI  ?
if yes
Whats the trick?
if no
Is QGIS just not able to show the views table correctly?
if no
Whats the trick?

Wasted many days on that now, and time is running away.

Please, someone, heeeeelp


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