[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.0.1: Missing source encoding codecs

Akihiro Takemura atakemura25 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 5 07:37:16 PST 2014

As it happens, unchecking "Ignore shapefile declaration" and
SHAPE_ENCODING=CP932 fixed the issue where attributes are displayed

I've actually noticed that the number of encoding in the dropdown list is
actually *less* than the number available through
There are 134 encodings in QtCore.availableCodecs(), but only 116 (as far
as I could count, sorry if mistaken) in the source file encodings list in
QGIS. Actually, all encodings at 117th to 134th position in the list are
missing, so things like GB18030, GBK, GB2312 are missing, which suggests
that the list is getting truncated somewhere.
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