[Qgis-user] Unchecked layers and groups in qgis-web-client

Gunnar Oehmichen oehm8895 at uni-landau.de
Sat Jan 25 07:32:55 PST 2014

Hi there,

were using QGIS, QGIS-Mapserver (Version: 2.0.1-2+precise1), Apache2 and
the qgis-web-client.

The project within the web-client can be found here:


We would like the project tree menu to be expanded with all layers
except one and the wms base-layers to be unchecked as you can see in the
screenshot from the corresponding .qgs file.


If the information helps, layers to be unchecked are imported from
postgis. While QGIS-Desktop was still loading the data from the db i
also recognized layers not beeing unchecked, they only resumed to beeing
unchecked after all layers were finally loaded.

Is there a way to achieve this?

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