[Qgis-user] WFS caching behaviour

Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules at warwickshire.gov.uk
Mon Jan 27 05:59:48 PST 2014

Hi List,
Before I report this one as a bug, I figured I should check.

What's the desired behaviour of the WFS client in QGIS in respect to
caching results versus making new requests.

WFS server only returns 500 results for any given request. There are 51639
features in the layer.

- If I load the layer using the "Cached" checkbox as ticked, then QGIS only
loads 500 features. Fine.

- If I then add the layer again, but with "cached" unticked, then QGIS only
loads 500 features - but they're 500 different features. Fine.

Except in both cases when I zoom in/out, the features don't change; QGIS
doesn't make new requests. I thought it was supposed to, at least with the
uncached version? Both appear to behaving the exact same way to me.
Am I doing something wrong?


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