[Qgis-user] Web Client: Url Rewriting

Gunnar Oehmichen oehm8895 at uni-landau.de
Sat May 17 06:20:47 PDT 2014

Hello there,

I took another try to get the url rewriting working. The client has just
been checked out and before making any changings to the url-rewriting
part in the apache-conf/qgis-web-client.conf and in var serverAndCGI in
GlobalOptions.js everything was working fine when using an url like:

sytem settings:

Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS
Release:	12.04
Codename:	precise

qgis: Version: 2.2.0-2+precise1
qgismapserver: Version: 2.2.0-2+precise1

qgis-web-client: checked out 05/15/2014

Qgis-web-client is installed in:


.qgs files are within

To be able to use the url gis.dienst.uni-landau.de/karten/test_url to
open the project projects/test_url.qgs i made the following changes as
suggested by the README:


var serverAndCGI"/cgi-bin/qgis_mapserv.fcgi" -> var serverAndCGI = "/wms";


# optional rewrite rules

  # Forbid direct access
  RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/.*$ - [F]

  # Search with SearchPanel

  # sample search on layer 'Hello'
  RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(?:.*)query=samplesearch&*(?:.*)$
  RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(?:(?:.*)&)?colour=([^&]*)(?:.*)$

  RewriteRule ^/wms/(.+)$
=\ '%1' [PT]

  # Rewrite /wms/mapname to
  RewriteRule ^/wms/(.+)$

  # Rewrite /maps/mapname to qgis-web-client main page. mapname will be
extracted for wms calls in Javascript code.
  RewriteRule ^/karten/([^\.]+)$
/gis.dienst.uni-landau.de/site/qgiswebclient.html [PT]

  # Rewrite /maps/* to qgis-web-client/site (e.g.
/maps/gis_icons/mActionZoomNext.png ->
  RewriteRule ^/karten/(.*) /gis.dienst.uni-landau.de/site/$1 [PT]

Your help would be appreciated very much. How can I get the
url-rewriting to work?

Have a nice and sunny weekend,


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