[Qgis-user] Align points to lines

Graham Walker gwalker84 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 05:45:21 PDT 2016

Hi Tyler, not exactly what you need, but I use a combination of the
following to snap a point shp to a line shp.

v .to.points set at 0.5m distances on line layer (obviously the lower the
more accurate)

Distance to nearest hub from original point to newly created point,output
as line

Join attributes by location using v.to.points layer as target and nearest
hub layer as join vector layer. Wet predicate to touches. Take attributes
of first located feature and only keep matching records.

You could probably query to find the closest line from each point once you
have run distance from hub.

Hope that's of some use.

On 30 Jun 2016 13:18, "Tyler Veinot" <tylerkveinot at gmail.com> wrote:

> Bump!
> Nobody? Am I looking at having to use some PostGIS functions to accomplish
> this?
> Tyler
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 8:57 AM, Tyler Veinot <tylerkveinot at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All;
>> I have a point file and a line file. I want to move all non-intersecting
>> points to the line position closest to them. Does QGIS have a tool for
>> that? Is there a plugin?
>> Cheers
>> Tyler
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