[Qgis-user] GDAL/OGR : different compiled/running versions

Thomas Williamson wiltoma at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 04:35:07 PST 2016

Hello all,

I'm working with QGIS 2.14 and LinuxMint.

I'm having difficulties running the Heatmaps plugin with the following
issue: the output format field is empty (the drop-down list is empty). I
found some help on this topic in this post

The problem could come from this difference in Help > About window (see
attached screenshot):

   - Compiled against GDAL/OGR : 1.10.1
   - Running against GDAL/OGR : 1.11.2

I have completely removed QGIS and dependencies, and reinstalled it
completely but the problem is still there. How could I make GDAL/OGR
compiled and running versions identical?

As I'm quite new to Linux world, I would really appreciate a little help on
how to achieve that with command lines.

Many thanks in advance for help and advice!
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