[Qgis-user] QGIS releases announced too early IMHO

Brent Wood pcreso at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 2 19:59:27 PST 2016

Despite being a non-Mac user, I respectfully disagree....
Mainstream users should not have to wait until packages for ALL systems have been built. Some minor ports may take someone a while to complete - & others need not be waiting on this.
A QGIS release announcement is NOT a promise that every OS out there will have a new package ready to go at the same time... It says only that the developers of the Open Source package QGIS have a new set of Open Source for people to access & use.
I believe the wider user community are incredibly well served by both the devs & the packagers (as a user of Windows, Ubuntu (dev version) & OpenSuse packages) and would like express my appreciation here!! 
If a packager has not built you a package when you want, compile it from the new source - that is what open source is fundamentally about. Though personally I, being lazy & not a dev by any means, just wait for the package except on Ubuntu (actually Mint) where my desire to play with the bleeding edge is enabled by the the nightly dev build - a wonderful resource!
That said, I see that the response is to try & do better - we cannot ask for more :-)

Brent Wood

      From: "b.j.kobben at utwente.nl" <b.j.kobben at utwente.nl>
 To: madmanwoo at gmail.com 
Cc: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
 Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2016 1:28 AM
 Subject: [Qgis-user] QGIS releases announced too early IMHO
Hi Nathan,
You state that "There is no "official" release until the banner is changed on qgis.org and announcement is made on the mailing lists/twitter, etc.". Well, that has happened now, but the KyngChaos site for Mac OSX still has 2.12. 
That is NOT a negative comment on that site, but it would be much nicer if the official release messages did not go out until AFTER all packagers have done their (great and much appreciated) work...
--Barend KöbbenSenior Lecturer – ITC-University of TwentePO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede (Netherlands)@barendkobben

On 29/02/16 12:31, "Nathan Woodrow" <madmanwoo at gmail.com> wrote:
Just so people are aware of the process.  The count down on the website doesn't always mean the packages will be ready on release date, that is only the date/time that the code will be unfroozen and packages will begin being made.  Some packages can take longer then others before they are up on the website, OS X for example.    There is no "official" release until the banner is changed onqgis.org and announcement is made on the mailing lists/twitter, etc.
Packages are being made and will be up on the website when ready, best advice is to keep an eye there.  You can normally get the builds from OSGeo4W if using Windows, however until the packages are out that isn't an official version even if on version 2.14, last minute changes might still need to happen.
On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Nikolaus Pruzsinszky <n.pru at reflex.at> wrote:

QGIS 2.14 (the new LTR) should have come out last friday. Is there any information when it will be availlable?
Cheers, Niko
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