[Qgis-user] Question about a Custom SR!

Daniel Basile vophikai at gmail.com
Thu Mar 3 14:02:21 PST 2016

Hi, I'm a new user! I've downloaded QGIS just yesterday, and I think is a
great program.
I'm italian, anyway, the problem is:

I have some coordinates, with a EPSG:4326 SR, from Google Maps.
Using the "OpenLayers" Plugin, I'm opening the OpenStreetMap Layer with a
EPSG:3857 SR.
I've imported the coordinates in a degrees form with the "Create a Layer
from a Delimited Text" function.
All is working, but there's a problem with the X coordinates or the
Longitude. Anything is slighty off to west by 300-400 meters, and by 5-10
meters to south!
The solution I choose is to make a "Custom SR", but I can't do it.

The EPSG:4326 say: "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"

I've tried to insert a "+x_0=(space)" a "+lon_0=(degrees)", but without any
The coordinates will return to a "0,0" point of the map, as the SR isn't
correct at all.
Probably with a "+proj=merc" the solution is simple, I don't know.

There's anything I'm missing? There's a method to shift any coordinates to
the east(or right) of the map?
Why Google Maps isn't working inside OpenLayers giving a Blank Page?

Thanks to anyone will give me a reply, and have a nice day! ;)

OS: Windows 7 64Bit
Qgis Version 2.14
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